If you can imagine it, we can create it

  • Christian Sweatshirts

    Our Christian hoodies make it easy to spread God’s Word through your favorite verses from the Bible, reassuring quotes, and sleek designs. In this way, you can make evangelism a part of your everyday life.

    But we’re more than just a clothing store. We’re a husband and wife who love Jesus and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Before we ship your sweatshirt to you, we’ll pray over you. We’re excited to bless you and, in turn, help you to bless and share the love of Jesus with others!

  • Start Convos About Faith

    Are you someone that's excited about your relationship with Jesus. And, you’re ready to share Christ with others, but you’re not sure where to start. Don’t worry: with our Christian sweatshirts, you can do this without ever having to speak. 

    Starting conversations about God can be intimidating, but a message on a shirt or sweater starts the conversation for you. Tell others you’re proud to be a Christian with our God Says Merch, and encourage them to look to Christ with our faith-based apparel.

  • Our mission

    ​Our purpose for creating God Says Merch is to encourage others to be the salt of the earth, while using words that are sweet like honey. We want to be a blessing to others in all that we say and do, leading with love and always giving all of the glory to God. We strive to bring light to those who shop with us, always aiming to inspire, encourage and uplift all those we are blessed to serve.

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